Thema: Diebstahl auf der Spielemesse in Essen

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2317 Beiträge
21.10.16 10:45
Hier eine leider wahre Geschichte vom kleinen Verlag LudiCreations von der Spielemesse in Essen: Smilie

"On Saturday, 15 October 2016, around 4 pm, our cashier realized that in the 10 seconds it took to look in our warehouse for a game, our cash box was gone.

For a small indie board game publisher, this represents a significant loss. Besides the financial hit, this has also affected us on an emotional level.

Games are fun. Gamers are fun. They are also some of the most welcoming, generous, and trusting people around. For this to happen during the greatest celebration of cardboard & wood in all of boardgamedom is a devastating blow.

According to what venue security told us when we submitted the police report, this is likely the work of professionals. Fellow friendly publishers have indicated that they noticed similar attempts or approaches by individuals that did not seem to know much about the hobby. We hope and assume that this was not done by any gamer.

Steal This Game was designed, developed, prototyped, and playtested within one night, the night of the robbery. And yeah, we actually had fun with it."

Wer den Verlag unterstützen möchte, kann das Mini-Spiel " Steal this Game" bei Externer Link Kickstarter für einen Betrag von 5$ erwerben. Auch andere Spiele des Verlags sind zu vergünstigten Preisen erhältlich.

Wer einen Hund hat, der einen anhimmelt, braucht auch eine Katze, die einen ignoriert.



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188 Beiträge
19.06.17 09:00

Unterstützer von Spiele-Check
Oh. das ist traurig. Ich schaue mal, ob das Spiel was für mich ist.

„[...], und er [der Mensch] ist nur da ganz Mensch, wo er spielt.“ - Friedrich Schiller: Über die ästhetische Erziehung des Menschen, 1795